Any information you submit to Kunzler, as well as employment records obtained in the normal course of business, such as medical information obtained from insurers, will be used for employment purposes only. Kunzler does not share employee or applicant information with third parties except as required for the processing of employee benefits, with the consent of the employee or applicant, or as required by law. The custodian of records can be reached at:
Human Resources
Kunzler & Company, Inc
652 Manor Street
P.O. Box 4747
Lancaster, PA 17604 or 1-888-KUNZLER (586-9537)
Human Resources
Kunzler & Company, Inc
118 Poorman Street
Tyrone, PA 16686 or 1-888-KUNZLER (586-9537)
All employee data will be stored for a period of employment plus 7 years. Applicant data for those not hired will be destroyed after 1 year.